Marietta Mehanni

My Top 6 Tips to Stay in the Game

My Top 6 Tips to Stay in the Game, blog by fitness guru and presenter Marietta Mehanni. Mentoring, first time, be yourself and follow your passion as a group exercise instructor

Written by Marietta

November 27, 2013

My Top Tips So Far

At the 35-year mark in my career, I often wonder why someone chooses to enter the world of fitness and, conversely, why so many leave. Here are my top six tips on staying in the game and never lose sight of why you started in the first place.

Remember Your First Time

Never forget what it is like to be a first-timer in a class, at the gym, or starting a program. This memory is gold. It reminds us of the challenges and the importance of a smile, an encouraging word, or even a touch on the shoulder. These little gestures are forms of encouragement that people rarely receive.

Define ‘Making a Difference’

Define ‘making a difference’ and avoid giving lip service to this popular cliché. How DO YOU make a difference? It is a verb that needs to be actioned and made real. The thought is nice, but the action delivers results. Real impact comes from genuine effort.

Be True to Yourself

Avoid being all things to everyone. You can’t, and in fact, you might even lose yourself. I used to find that there were certain classes that when I taught them, I cringed at myself. I sounded so fake and was ‘not really there,’ which brings me to the next point.

Follow Your Passion

Only do things you are passionate about—another cliché you need to define. I love freestyle, the ability to create and deliver in my own way. I love teaching adults; kids are fun, but it’s not really where I am at. I enjoy tough workouts that have choreography. Boot camp will never really appeal to me. So many instructors love those programs, so there is plenty to go around without me trying to teach everything.

Connect with Your Peers

Connect with peers. The joy of unloading, debriefing, or crying when members, clients, managers, or other staff get to you is invaluable. Often, our friends and family have no concept of the embarrassment of forgetting your choreography or annoying a client. They think, “Just get over it,” but when you are REALLY trying to make a difference, you can’t. I am fortunate to have a great group of trusted friends who are also my fitness peers. I can turn to them and ask, “Am I losing my mind?” and then be reassured that it happens to everyone.

Embrace Mentorship

Mentor—it is your responsibility. You might think “Why on earth would I want to do that? How is that my responsibility? It belongs to the ‘industry’.” Well, mentoring is the most interesting way to learn about yourself. Teaching someone else a skill reveals how well you can teach your members and clients. It is a selfless act to ensure that this industry maintains high levels of professionalism. It is also necessary for you to stay in the game. Mentoring reminds you again why you started in the first place as you see recruits come in with a similar desire. I want to say thank you to all the instructors and trainers who currently mentor others. You play a most important role for the fitness industry and the individual who has had the amazing opportunity to work with you.

Full Circle

This brings me back to point one—never forget your first time. As you mentor others, you are reminded of the challenges and triumphs of starting fresh, reigniting your passion and commitment to making a difference.

To deepen your impact in the fitness industry, pursue the MGM (My Group Move) Instructor Pathway Certification to develop your skills and choreography as a freestyle instructor. This program is designed to help you stay connected with your passion, make a real difference, and build a supportive network of peers. By investing in your growth, you’ll enhance your skills, and contribute to the professionalism and vibrancy of the fitness community.

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