Marietta Mehanni

Aqua Fitness For Beginners: Getting Started

Aqua Fitness for Beginner: Getting Started by group fitness guru Marietta Mehanni on starting out in aqua fitness. Benefits and tips for first timers.

Written by Marietta

October 7, 2024

My first aqua class

I’ll never forget the first time I tried an aqua fitness class. It was a strange sensation. Surrounded by water, I felt like I was defying gravity. My legs didn’t move as expected, and I couldn’t shake the feeling of being completely out of my element. Can you relate to that? For many people, trying something new – especially aqua fitness – can feel awkward at first. Let’s face it, the water changes everything. It’s not like being at the gym or going for a jog. You move slower, your muscles are constantly working against resistance, and just when you think you’ve got the hang of it, you realise your core is doing more work than you expected. But here’s the thing – that’s where the magic happens.

Moving in Water: A Whole New Experience

Water has these amazing properties that make it different from any other workout. First off, there’s the buoyancy. In water, you’re lighter – about 90% of your body weight is supported by the water. This means you can move more freely, and for people with joint pain, arthritis, or old injuries, this can be a huge relief. The water cushions your body, so there’s no jarring impact, making it a safe environment for all fitness levels.

But don’t be fooled by the softness of the water. The resistance is real. You’ve got to work against the water with every movement because water is 800 times denser than air, your muscles are getting a workout without you even realising it! When you’re new to aqua, your body has to adjust to how the water moves you. You might feel a little uncoordinated at first – we’ve all been there. But trust me, once you get it, you’ll find that the water gives back just as much as it takes.

The Benefits of Water Fitness: Why You’ll Love It

Here’s the best part – the benefits of aqua fitness go far beyond just splashing around and having fun. Once you start, you’ll discover how much it can change your fitness and overall health.

  1. Low Impact, High Reward: One of the biggest perks of water exercise is its low impact. The water supports your body, so there’s less strain on your joints, which is perfect if you’re dealing with injuries or want to prevent them. No hard landings or pounding on the ground – just smooth, cushioned movements.
  2. Heart Health: Aqua fitness might feel like play but it’s a serious cardiovascular workout. The water adds resistance to every move, lifting your heart rate without putting too much pressure on your body. Over time, your endurance improves, and you might find yourself breathing easier and moving longer, both in and out of the water.
  3. Surprising Strength Gains: You might not think of water exercise as a strength-building workout, but the resistance of water works every muscle, from your arms to your legs and especially your core. Adding equipment like water dumbbells, a noodle or just using the water itself, can seriously challenge your muscles and build strength. This is where Newton’s Third Law of Physics applies: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. When you push or pull through the water, it pushes back with equal force, creating constant resistance in every direction. Therefore, the harder you work the harder it will feel. Over time, this resistance builds muscle endurance and strength without heavy weights, making water workouts highly effective and joint-friendly.
  4. Supports Mobility: Water aerobics is fantastic for mobility. The water allows you to move in ways you might not be able to on land, increasing flexibility and improving your range of motion. Over time, daily movements like reaching, bending, and even walking, become easier and more fluid.
  5. Stress Relief: There’s something about being in the water that melts the stress away. Maybe it’s the calming sensation of floating, or maybe it’s the endorphins released from moving your body. Either way, you’ll leave the pool feeling lighter, physically and mentally.
  6. Joint-Friendly: If you’ve got achy knees or hips water fitness is a game changer. The buoyancy of the water takes the pressure off your weight-bearing joints, so you can move without pain while strengthening your body. Over time, this can help reduce joint discomfort on dry land.
  7. Burns Calories: Don’t underestimate the calorie-burning power of aqua aerobics. Moving through water requires effort, and as you build strength and endurance, you’ll naturally burn more calories while enjoying a low-impact workout.
  8. Balance and Coordination Boost: If you’ve ever worried about losing balance or coordination as you age, water aerobics can help. The constant resistance forces your body to engage its core and stabilising muscles, improving your balance and coordination in and out of the pool.
  9. Builds Confidence: Something is empowering about mastering new movements in the water. Whether doing simple stretches or more complex routines, aqua fitness helps you gain control over your body, boosting your confidence and sense of independence.
  10. Accessible for Everyone: Aqua isn’t just for elite athletes or fitness junkies – it’s for everyone, no matter your age, fitness level, or experience. It’s adaptable, so whether you’re just getting started or looking to push yourself you can tailor your workout to meet your needs.
  11. Social Benefits: Staying socially connected is important as we age and group aqua classes offer a great way to do that. Beyond the workout, you get the chance to chat, share a laugh, and build friendships. The social support from exercising with others can motivate you to stick with your fitness routine and keep you coming for more.

Tips for Getting Started

If you’re new to aqua fitness, here are a few things to keep in mind as you get started:

  • Start slow: Don’t worry about keeping up with everyone around you. Focus on getting comfortable in the water and figuring out how your body moves. The more you practice, the more natural it will feel.
  • Hydrate: Even though you’re in the water, your body needs hydration. Make sure to drink plenty of water before and after your class.
  • Embrace the buoyancy: It might feel odd, but the water is your friend. Let it support you and use it to your advantage. Lean into the resistance when moving, and you’ll feel the benefits.
  • Ask for help: Aqua instructors are there for you. Don’t hesitate to ask for tips or modifications if something feels too challenging.

Getting started with aqua might take you out of your comfort zone, but once you dive in (not literally!), you’ll find it’s an incredibly rewarding experience. It’s more than just exercise – it’s about discovering a new way to move, heal, and feel amazing in your body. The water’s got your back… literally!

So, why not give it a try? There’s a whole new world waiting for you under the surface.

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